Journal papers
Hwichan Kim, Tosho Hirasawa, Sangwhan Moon (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Naoaki Okazaki (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Mamoru Komachi. North Korean Neural Machine Translation through South Korean Resources. ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing (TALLIP). (accepted)
Siti Oryza Khairunnisa, Zhousi Chen, Mamoru Komachi. Dataset Enhancement and Multilingual Transfer for Named Entity Recognition in the Indonesian Language. ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing (TALLIP), Vol.22, No.6, 21 pages. June, 2023. (PDF)
Keigo Takahashi, Teruaki Oka, Mamoru Komachi. Effectiveness of pre-trained language models for the Japanese Winograd Schema Challenge. Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, Vol. 27, No.3, pp.511-521. (PDF)
Zhousi Chen and Mamoru Komachi. Discontinuous Combinatory Constituency Parsing. Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Volume 11, pp.267-283. March, 2023. (PDF)
Refereed conference papers
Xiaomeng Pan, Zhousi Chen and Mamoru Komahi. Query Generation Using GPT-3 for CLIP-Based Word Sense Disambiguation for Image Retrieval. The 12th Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM 2023). (short)
Hwichan Kim and Mamoru Komachi. Enhancing Few-shot Cross-lingual Transfer with Target Language Peculiar Examples. Findings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2023). (long)
Taichi Aida and Danushka Bollegala (Liverpool University). Unsupervised Semantic Variation Prediction using the Distribution of Sibling Embeddings. Findings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2023). (long)
Hiroto Tamura, Tosho Hirasawa, Hwichan Kim and Mamoru Komachi. Does Masked Language Model Pre-training with Artificial Data Improve Low-resource Neural Machine Translation? Findings of the 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL 2023), pp.2216-2225. (PDF)
Zizheng Zhang, Masato Mita and Mamoru Komachi. Cloze Quality Estimation for Language Assessment. Findings of the 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL 2023), pp.540-550. (PDF)
Journal papers
Kenichiro Ando, Takashi Okumura (Kitami Institute of Technology), Mamoru Komachi, Hiromasa Horiguchi (National Hospital Organization), Yuji Matsumoto (RIKEN). Is Artificial Intelligence Capable of Generating Hospital Discharge Summaries from Inpatient Records? PLOS Digital Health, 1(12): e0000158. December, 2022. (PDF)
Hongfei Wang, Michiki Kurosawa, Satoru Katsumata, Masato Mita (CyberAgent) and Mamoru Komachi. Chinese Grammatical Error Correction Using Pre-trained Models and Pseudo Data. ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing. October, 2022. (PDF)
Kenichiro Ando, Takashi Okumura (Kitami Institute of Technology), Mamoru Komachi, Hiromasa Horiguchi (National Hospital Organization), Yuji Matsumoto (RIKEN). Exploring Optimal Granularity for Extractive Summarization of Unstructured Health Records: Analysis of the Largest Multi-Institutional Archive of Health Records in Japan. PLOS Digital Health, 1(9): e0000099. September, 2022. (PDF)
Tosho Hirasawa, Masahiro Kaneko, Aizhan Imankulova, Mamoru Komachi. Pre-trained Word Embedding and Language Model Improve Multimodal Machine Translation: A Case Study in Multi30K. IEEE Access, 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3185243. June, 2022. (PDF)
Zhishen Yang (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Tosho Hirasawa, Mamoru Komachi, Naoaki Okazaki (Tokyo Institute of Technology). Why videos do not guide translations in video-guided machine translation? An empirical evaluation of video-guided machine translation dataset. Journal of Information Processing, Vol.30, pp.388-396. 2022年5月. (PDF)
Refereed conference papers
Seiichi Inoue, Mamoru Komachi, Toshinobu Ogiso (NINJAL), Hiroya Takamura (AIST) and Daichi Mochihashi (ISM). Infinite SCAN: An Infinite Model of Diachronic Semantic Change. The 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2022). (long, oral)
Yuting Zhao and Ioan Calapodescu (NAVER Labs). Multimodal Robustness for Neural Machine Translation. The 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2022). (long, poster)
Kenichiro Ando, Mamoru Komachi, Takashi Okumura (Kitami Institute of Technology), Hiromasa Horiguchi (National Hospital Organization), Yuji Matsumoto (RIKEN). Is In-hospital Meta-information Useful for Abstractive Discharge Summary Generation? The 27th International Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI 2022). 4 pages. (best paper award)
Seiichiro Kondo, Naoya Ueda, Teruaki Oka, Masakazu Sugiyama (AI Shift), Asahi Hentona (AI Shift) and Mamoru Komachi. Japanese Named Entity Recognition from Automatic Speech Recognition Using Pre-trained Models. PACLIC 36 (2022).
Mana Ashida and Saku Sugawara (NII). Possible Stories: Evaluating Situated Commonsense Reasoning under Multiple Possible Scenarios. Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2022), pp.3606-3630. October, 2022. (PDF)
Xiaomeng Pan, Hongfei Wang, Teruaki Oka and Mamoru Komachi. Zuo Zhuan Ancient Chinese Dataset for Word Sense Disambiguation. NAACL Student Research Workshop (SRW) 2022, pp.129-135. July, 2022. (PDF)
Mana Ashida and Mamoru Komachi. Towards Automatic Generation of Messages Countering Online Hate Speech and Microaggressions. The 6th Workshop on Online Abuse and Harms (WOAH) 2022, pp.11-23. July, 2022. (PDF, dataset)
Daisuke Suzuki, Yujin Takahashi, Ikumi Yamashita, Taichi Aida, Tosho Hirasawa, Michitaka Nakatsuji, Masato Mita, Mamoru Komachi. Construction of a Quality Estimation Dataset for Automatic Evaluation of Japanese Grammatical Error Correction. 13th Edition of Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2022). June, 2022. (PDF)
Yujin Takahashi, Masahiro Kaneko, Masato Mita, Mamoru Komachi. ProQE: Proficiency-wise Quality Estimation Dataset for Grammatical Error Correction. 13th Edition of Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2022). June, 2022. (PDF, dataset)
Hwichan Kim, Sangwhan Moon (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Naoaki Okazaki (Tokyo Institute of Technology) and Mamoru Komachi. Learning How to Translate North Korean through South Korean. 13th Edition of Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2022). June, 2022. (PDF)
Keigo Takahashi and Danushka Bollegala (University of Liverpool). Unsupervised Attention-based Sentence-Level Meta-Embeddings from Contextualised Language Models. 13th Edition of Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2022). June, 2022. (PDF)
Non-refereed conference papers
Naoya Ueda and Mamoru Komachi. TMU Feedback Comment Generation System Using Pretrained Sequence-to-Sequence Language Models. GenChal 2022: Feedback Comment Generation for Writing Learning.
Seiichiro Kondo and Mamoru Komachi. TMU NMT System with Automatic Post-Editing by Multi-Source Levenshtein Transformer for the Restricted Translation Task of WAT 2022. Workshop on Asian Translation 2022.
Journal papers
Yuting Zhao, Tomoyuki Kajiwara (Ehime University), Mamoru Komachi, Chenhui Chu (Kyoto University). Region-Attentive Multimodal Neural Machine Translation. Neurocomputing. (accepted)
Yuting Zhao, Tomoyuki Kajiwara (Ehime University), Mamoru Komachi and Chenhui Chu (Kyoto University). Word-Region Alignment-Guided Multimodal Neural Machine Translation. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing. (accepted)
Longtu Zhang and Mamoru Komachi. Using Sub-Character Level Information for Neural Machine Translation of Logographic Languages. ACM Transaction on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing, Vol.20, No.2, Article No.31, pp.1-15. April 15, 2021.
Refereed conference papers
Kazuma Kobayashi, Taichi Aida and Mamoru Komachi. Analyzing Semantic Changes in Japanese Words Using BERT. PACLIC 2021.
Taichi Aida, Mamoru Komachi, Toshinobu Ogiso (National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics), Hiroya Takamura (National Institute of Advanced Science and Technology), Daichi Mochihashi (The Institute of Statistical Mathematics). A Comprehensive Analysis of PMI-based Models for Measuring Semantic Differences. PACLIC 2021.
Hwichan Kim and Mamoru Komachi. Can Monolingual Pre-trained Encoder-Decoder Improve NMT for Distant Language Pairs? PACLIC 2021.
Seiichi Inoue, Taichi Aida, Mamoru Komachi and Manabu Asai (Soka University). Modeling Text using the Continuous Space Topic Model with Pre-Trained Word Embeddings. ACL-IJCNLP 2021 Student Research Workshop (SRW), pp.138-147. August, 2021. (paper)
Zhisheng Yang (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Tosho Hirasawa, Naoaki Okazaki (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Mamoru Komachi. Do Videos Guide Translations? Evaluation of a Video-Guided Machine Translation dataset. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Visually Grounded Interaction and Language. June 10, 2021. (paper)
Seiichiro Kondo, Kengo Hotate, Tosho Hirasawa, Masahiro Kaneko and Mamoru Komachi. Sentence Concatenation Approach to Data Augmentation for Neural Machine Translation. NAACL Student Research Workshop (SRW) 2021, pp. 143-149. June 8, 2021. (paper)
Aomi Koyama, Kengo Hotate, Masahiro Kaneko and Mamoru Komachi. Comparison of Grammatical Error Correction Using Back-Translation Models. NAACL Student Research Workshop (SRW) 2021, pp. 126-135. June 8, 2021. (paper)
Rob van der Goot (IT University of Copenhagen), Marija Stepanovic (IT University of Copenhagen), Alan Ramponi (IT University of Copenhagen), Ibrahim Sharaf, Ahmet Üstün (University of Groningen), Aizhan Imankulova, Siti Oryza Khairunnisa, Mamoru Komachi and Barbara Plank (IT University of Copenhagen). From Masked-Language Modeling to Translation: Non-English Auxiliary Tasks Improve Zero-shot Spoken Language Understanding. 2021 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL-HLT 2021), pp. 2479-2497. June 8, 2021. (paper)
Masahiro Kaneko and Danushka Bollegala (University of Liverpool). Debiasing Pre-trained Contextualised Embeddings. The 16th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL), pp. 1256-1266. April, 2021. (paper)
Masahiro Kaneko and Danushka Bollegala (University of Liverpool). Dictionary-based Debiasing of Pre-trained Word Embeddings. The 16th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL), pp. 212-223. April, 2021. (paper)
Non-refereed workshop papers
Yuting Zhao, Mamoru Komachi, Tomoyuki Kajiwara (Ehime University) and Chenhui Chu (Kyoto University). TMEKU System for the WAT2021 Multimodal Translation Task. In Proceedings of The 8th Workshop on Asian Translation, pp.174-180. August, 2021.
Hwichan Kim, Mamoru Komachi. TMU NMT System with Japanese BART for the Patent task of WAT 2021. In Proceedings of The 8th Workshop on Asian Translation, pp.133-137. August, 2021.
Seiichiro Kondo, Aomi Koyama, Tomoshige Kiyuna, Tosho Hirasawa and Mamoru Komachi. Machine Translation with Pre-specified Target-side Words Using a Semi-autoregressive Model. In Proceedings of The 8th Workshop on Asian Translation, pp.68-73. August, 2021.
Other refereed papers
Zhousi Chen, Longtu Zhang, Aizhan Imankulova and Mamoru Komachi. Neural Combinatory Constituency Parsing. Findings of ACL-IJCNLP 2021, pp.2199-2213. August, 2021. (paper)
Conference presentations
Zhousi Chen, Longtu Zhang, Aizhan Imankulova and Mamoru Komachi. Neural Combinatory Constituency Parsing. In The 17th International Conference on Parsing Technologies (IWPT 2021). August 6, 2021.
Rob van der Goot (IT University of Copenhagen), Marija Stepanovic (IT University of Copenhagen), Alan Ramponi (IT University of Copenhagen), Ibrahim Sharaf, Ahmet Üstün (University of Groningen), Aizhan Imankulova, Siti Oryza Khairunnisa, Mamoru Komachi and Barbara Plank (IT University of Copenhagen). Multilingual Slot and Intent Detection (xSID) with Cross-lingual Auxiliary Tasks. In the 3rd Workshop on Computational Research in Typology and Multilingual NLP (SIGTYP 2021). June 10, 2021.
Refereed conference papers
Kengo Hotate, Masahiro Kaneko and Mamoru Komachi. Generating Diverse Corrections with Local Beam Search for Grammatical Error Correction. In Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING), pp. 2132-2137. December 9, 2020. (paper)
Ryoma Yoshimura, Masahiro Kaneko, Tomoyuki Kajiwara (Osaka University) and Mamoru Komachi. SOME: Reference-less Sub-Metrics Optimized for Manual Evaluations of Grammatical Error Correction. In Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING), pp. 6516-6522. December 12, 2020. (paper)
Masahiro Kaneko and Danushka Bollegala (University of Liverpool). Autoencoding Improves Pre-trained Word Embeddings. In Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING), pp. 1699-1713. December 8, 2020. (paper)
Ikumi Yamashita, Satoru Katsumata, Masahiro Kaneko, Aizhan Imankulova and Mamoru Komachi. Cross-lingual Transfer Learning for Grammatical Error Correction. In Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING), pp.4704-4715. December 11, 2020. (paper)
Hongfei Wang, Michiki Kurosawa, Satoru Katsumata and Mamoru Komachi. Chinese Grammatical Correction Using BERT-based Pre-trained Model. In Proceedings of the 1st Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 10th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (AACL-IJCNLP), pp.163-168. December 5, 2020. (paper)
Satoru Katsumata and Mamoru Komachi. Stronger Baselines for Grammatical Error Correction Using a Pretrained Encoder-Decoder Model. In Proceedings of the 1st Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 10th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (AACL-IJCNLP), pp. 827-832. December 6, 2020. (paper)
Siti Oryza Khairunnisa, Aizhan Imankulova and Mamoru Komachi. Towards a Standardized Dataset on Indonesian Named Entity Recognition. In Proceedings of the 1st Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 10th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing: Student Research Workshop (AACL-IJCNLP SRW 2020), pp.64-71. December 7, 2020. (paper)
Mana Ashida, Seunghun Lee (International Christian University) and Kunzang Mamgyal (NBDD Colledge). Building a Part-of-Speech Tagged Corpus for Drenjongke (Bhutia). In Proceedings of the 1st Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 10th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing: Student Research Workshop (AACL-IJCNLP SRW 2020), pp.57-63. December 7, 2020. (paper)
Hiroki Homma and Mamoru Komachi. Non-Autoregressive Grammatical Error Correction Towards a Writing Support System. In Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Natural Language Processing Techniques for Educational Application (NLP-TEA), pp.1-10. December 4, 2020. (paper)
Zizheng Zhang, Tosho Hirasawa, Wei Houjing, Masahiro Kaneko and Mamoru Komachi. Translation of New Named Entities from English to Chinese. In Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Asian Translation (WAT), pp.58-63. December 4, 2020. (paper)
Aizhan Imankulova, Masahiro Kaneko, Tosho Hirasawa and Mamoru Komachi. Towards Multimodal Simultaneous Neural Machine Translation. In Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on Machine Translation (WMT), pp.594-603. November, 2020. (paper)
Masato Mita (RIKEN AIP/Tohoku University), Shun Kiyono (RIKEN AIP/Tohoku University), Masahiro Kaneko, Jun Suzuki (Tohoku University/RIKEN AIP) and Kentaro Inui (Tohoku University/RIKEN AIP). A Self-Refinement Strategy for Noise Reduction in Grammatical Error Correction. Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: The 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, pp.267-280. Novermber, 2020.
Yuting Zhao, Mamoru Komachi, Tomoyuki Kajiwara (Osaka University), Chenhui Chu (Osaka University). Double Attention-based Multimodal Neural Machine Translation with Semantic Image Regions. In The 22nd Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT 2020). Lisbon, Portugal. November, 2020.
Masashi Takaku (Ibaraki University), Tosho Hirasawa, Mamoru Komachi, Kanako Komiya (Ibaraki University). Neural Machine Translation from Historical Japanese to Contemporary Japanese Using Diachronically Domain-Adapted Word Embeddings. In The 34th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC). October, 2020. (accepted)
Hwichan Kim, Tosho Hirasawa and Mamoru Komachi. Zero-shot North Korean to English Neural Machine Translation by Character Tokenization and Phoneme Decomposition. In 2020 ACL Student Research Workshop. Seattle, WA, USA. July, 2020.
Yujin Takahashi, Satoru Katsumata and Mamoru Komachi. Grammatical Error Correction Using Pseudo Learner Corpus Considering Learner's Error Tendency. In 2020 ACL Student Research Workshop. Seattle, WA, USA. July, 2020.
Masahiro Kaneko, Masato Mita, Shun Kiyono, Jun Suzuki and Kentaro Inui. Can Encoder-decoder Models Benefit from Pre-trained LanguageRepresentation in Grammatical Error Correction? In 2020 Annual Conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2020). Seattle, WA, USA. July, 2020.
Reo Hirao, Mio Arai, Hiroki Shimanaka, Satoru Katsumata and Mamoru Komachi. Automated Essay Scoring System for Nonnative Japanese Learners. In 12th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2020). Marseille, France. 2020.
Aomi Koyama, Tomoshige Kiyuna, Kenji Kobayashi, Mio Arai and Mamoru Komachi. Construction of an Evaluation Corpus for Grammatical Error Correction for Learners of Japanese as a Second Language. In 12th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2020). Marseille, France. 2020.
Non-refereed conference papers
Hiroto Tamura, Tosho Hirasawa, Masahiro Kaneko and Mamoru Komachi. TMU Japanese-English Multimodal Machine Translation System for WAT 2020. In Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Asian Translation (WAT), pp. 80-91. December, 2020. (paper)
Hwichan Kim, Tosho Hirasawa and Mamoru Komachi. Korean to Japanese Neural Machine Translation System Using Hanja Information. In Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Asian Translation (WAT), pp. 127-134. December, 2020. (paper)
Hongfei Wang and Mamoru Komachi. TMU System Using BERT-based Pre-trained Model to the NLP-TEA CGED Shared Task 2020. In Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Natural Language Processing (NLP-TEA), pp.87-90. December 4, 2020. (paper)
Akifumi Nakamachi (Osaka University), Hiroki Shimanaka, Tomoyuki Kajiwara (Osaka University) and Mamoru Komachi. TMUOU submission for WMT20 Quality Estimation Shared Task. In Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on Machine Translation (WMT 2020), pp.1035-1039. November, 2020. (paper)
Masahiro Kaneko, Aizhan Imankulova, Tosho Hirasawa and Mamoru Komachi. English-to-Japanese Diverse Translation Using Opposite Direction Models. In The 4th Workshop on Neural Generation and Translation (WNGT 2020). Seattle, WA, USA. July, 2020.
Non-refereed papers
Hongfei Wang, Michiki Kurosawa, Satoru Katsumata, Mamoru Komachi. Chinese Grammatical Correction Using BERT-based Pre-trained Model. In arXiv e-prints, 2011.02093 (6 pages). November, 2020. (paper)
Masahiro Kaneko and Danushka Bollegala. Autoencoding Improves Pre-trained Word Embeddings. In arXiv e-prints, 2010.13094. October, 2020. (paper)
Masato Mita, Shun Kiyono, Masahiro Kaneko, Jun Suzuki and Kentaro Inui. A Self-Refinement Strategy for Noise Reduction in Grammatical Error Correction. In arXiv e-prints, 2010.03155. (paper)
Shinnosuke Takamichi (The University of Tokyo), Mamoru Komachi, Naoko Tanji (The University of Tokyo, Hiroshi Saruwatari (The University of Tokyo). JSSS: free Japanese speech corpus for summarization and simplificaiton. In arXiv e-prints, 2010.01793 (4 pages). October, 2020. (paper)
Tosho Hirasawa, Zhishen Yang, Mamoru Komachi and Naoaki Okazaki. Keyframe Segmentation and Positional Encoding for Video-guided Machine Translation Challenge 2020. In arXiv e-prints, 2006.12799 (4 pages). June, 2020. (paper)
Satoru Katsumata and Mamoru Komachi. Stronger Baselines for Grammatical Error Correction Using Pretrained Encoder-Decoder Model. In arXiv e-prints, 2005.11849 (6 pages). May, 2020. (paper)
Aizhan Imankulova, Masahiro Kaneko, Tosho Hirasawa and Mamoru Komachi. Towards Multimodal Simultaneous Neural Machine Translation. In arXiv e-prints, 2004.03180 (12 pages). April, 2020. (paper)
Journal papers
Aizhan Imankulova, Takayuki Sato and Mamoru Komachi. Filtered Pseudo-Parallel Corpus Improves Low-Resource Neural Machine Translation. ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing. Vol. 19, No. 2, Article 24, 16 pages. October, 2019. (paper)
Masahiro Kaneko and Mamoru Komachi. Multi-Head Multi-Layer Attention to Deep Language Representations for Grammatical Error Detection. Computacion y Sistemas. Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 883-891. September, 2019. (paper)
Refereed conference papers
Hayahide Yamagishi and Mamoru Komachi. Improving Context-aware Neural Machine Translation with Target-side Context. 16th International Conference on the Pacific Association for Computational Linguistics (PACLING 2019). October 11-13, 2019. (Best student paper)
Keigo Takahashi, Hikaru Omori and Mamoru Komachi. Japanese Predicate Argument Structure Analysis with Pointer Networks. 16th International Conference on the Pacific Association for Computational Linguistics (PACLING 2019). October 11-13, 2019.
Michiki Kurosawa and Mamoru Komachi. Dynamic Fusion: Attentional Language Model for Neural Machine Translation. 16th International Conference on the Pacific Association for Computational Linguistics (PACLING 2019). October 11-13, 2019.
Longtu Zhang and Mamoru Komachi. Chinese--Japanese Unsupervised Neural Machine Translation Using Sub-character Level Information. The 33rd Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC 33). September 14, 2019. (oral)
Tosho Hirasawa and Mamoru Komachi. Debiasing Word Embeddings Improves Multimodal Machine Translation. In Proceedings of the 17th Machine Translation Summit (MT Summit 2019), pp.32-42. August, 2019. (paper)
Aizhan Imankulova, Raj Dabre, Atsushi Fujita, and Kenji Imamura. Exploiting Out-of-Domain Parallel Data through Multilingual Transfer Learning for Low-Resource Neural Machine Translation. In Proceedings of the 17th Machine Translation Summit (MT Summit 2019), pp.128-139. August, 2019. (paper)
Mio Arai, Masahiro Kaneko and Mamoru Komachi. Grammatical-Error-Aware Incorrect Example Retrieval System for Learners of Japanese as a Second Language. In 14th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (BEA 14). August 2, 2019. (poster, full paper)
Kengo Hotate, Masahiro Kaneko, Satoru Katsumata and Mamoru Komachi. Controlling Grammatical Error Correction Using Word Edit Rate. In The 2019 ACL Student Research Workshop (SRW). July, 2019. (poster, paper)
Mio Arai, Tomonori Kodaira and Mamoru Komachi. Sakura: Large-scale Incorrect Example Retrieval System for Learners of Japanese as a Second Language. In The 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2019): System Demonstrations. July, 2019. (poster, paper)
Masahiro Kaneko and Danushka Bollegala. Gender-preserving Debiasing for Pre-trained Word Embeddings. In Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2019). July, 2019. (full paper)
Hikaru Omori and Mamoru Komachi. Multi-Task Learning for Japanese Predicate Argument Structure Analysis. In Proceedings of the 2019 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (NAACL-HLT 2019), pp.3404-3414. June, 2019. (poster, paper)
Masato Mita, Tomoya Mizumoto, Masahiro Kaneko, Ryo Nagata and Kentaro Inui. Cross-Corpora Evaluation and Analysis of Grammatical Error Correction Models — Is Single-Corpus Evaluation Enough? In Proceedings of the 2019 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (NAACL-HLT 2019). (poster, short paper)
Tosho Hirasawa, Hayahide Yamagishi, Yukio Matsumura, Mamoru Komachi. Multimodal Machine Translation with Embedding Prediction. In Proceedings of the 2019 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Student Research Workshop (NAACL-SRW) 2019, pp.86-91. June, 2019. (oral, paper)
Masahiro Kaneko and Mamoru Komachi. Multi-Head Multi-Layer Attention to Deep Language Representations for Grammatical Error DetectionIn 20th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing (CICLing). April, 2019. (poster; see arXiv paper)
Non-refereed conference papers
Ryoma Yoshimura, Hiroki Shimanaka, Yukio Matsumura, Hayahide Yamagishi, Mamoru Komachi. Filtering Pseudo-References by Paraphrasing for Automatic Evaluation of Machine Translation. In Fourth Conference on Machine Translation (WMT19) Shared Task: Metrics. August 1-2, 2019. (paper)
Satoru Katsumata and Mamoru Komachi. (Almost) Unsupervised Grammatical Error Correction using Synthetic Comparable Corpus. In 14th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (BEA 14): Shared Task. August 2, 2019. (paper)
Masahiro Kaneko, Kengo Hotate, Satoru Katsumata and Mamoru Komachi. TMU Transformer System Using BERT for Re-ranking at BEA 2019 Grammatical Error Correction on Restricted Track. In 14th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (BEA 14): Shared Task. August 2, 2019. (paper)
Non-refereed papers
Michiki Kurosawa and Mamoru Komachi. Dynamic Fusion: Attentional Language Model for Neural Machine Translation. In arXiv e-prints, 1909.04879 (13 pages). September 2019. (paper)
Hayahide Yamagishi and Mamoru Komachi. Improving Context-aware Neural Machine Translation with Target-side Context. In arXiv e-prints, 1909.00531 (12 pages). September 2019. (paper)
Hiroki Shimanaka, Tomoyuki Kajiwara and Mamoru Komachi. Machine Translation Evaluation with BERT Regressor. In arXiv e-prints, 1907.12679 (6 pages). July 2019. (paper)
Satoru Katsumata and Mamoru Komachi. Towards Unsupervised Grammatical Error Correction using Statistical Machine Translation with Synthetic Comparable Corpus. In arXiv e-prints, 1907.09724 (7 pages). July 2019. (paper)
Tosho Hirasawa and Mamoru Komachi. Debiasing Word Embeddings Improves Multimodal Machine Translation. In arXiv e-prints, 1905.10464 (10 pages). May 2019. (paper)
Masahiro Kaneko and Mamoru Komachi. Multi-Head Multi-Layer Attention to Deep Language Representations for Grammatical Error Detection. In arXiv e-prints, 1904.07334 (12 pages). April 2019. (paper)
Hikaru Omori and Mamoru Komachi. Multi-task Learning for Japanese Predicate Argument Structure Analysis. In arXiv e-prints, 1904.02244 (10 pages). April 2019. (paper)
Tosho Hirasawa, Hayahide Yamagishi, Yukio Matsumura and Mamoru Komachi. Multimodal Machine Translation with Embedding Prediction. In arXiv e-prints, 1904.00639 (6 pages). April 2019. (paper)
Longtu Zhang and Mamoru Komachi. Chinese-Japanese Unsupervised Neural Machine Translation Using Sub-character Level Information. In arXiv e-prints, 1903.00149 (5 pages). March 2019. (paper)
Tomoya Ogata, Mamoru Komachi and Tomoya Takatani (Toyota). Divide and Generate: Neural Generation of Complex Sentences. In arXiv e-prints, 1901.10196 (6 pages). January 2019. (paper)
Refereed conference papers
Yoshiaki Kitagawa and Mamoru Komachi. Long Short-Term Memory for Japanese Word Segmentation. In Proceedings of the 32nd Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation. Hong Kong. December 1-3, 2018. (oral, paper, acceptance rate: 32%)
Ryosuke Miyazaki and Mamoru Komachi. Japanese Sentiment Classification using a Tree-Structured Long Short-Term Memory with Attention. In Proceedings of the 32nd Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation. Hong Kong. December 1-3, 2018. (poster, paper)
Tomonori Kodaira and Mamoru Komachi. The Rule of Three: Abstractive Text Summarization in Three Bullet Points. In Proceedings of the 32nd Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation. Hong Kong. December 1-3, 2018. (poster, paper)
Longtu Zhang and Mamoru Komachi. Neural Machine Translation of Logographic Language Using Sub-character Level Information. In Proceedings of the Third Conference on Machine Translation. Brussels, Belgium. October 31-November 1, 2018. (poster, paper, acceptance rate: 27%)
Satoru Katsumata, Yukio Matsumura, Hayahide Yamagishi and Mamoru Komachi. Graph-based Filtering of Out-of-Vocabulary Words for Encoder-Decoder Model. In Proceedings of ACL 2018 Student Research Workshop, pp.112-119. Melbourne, Australia. July 17, 2018. (poster, paper)
Michiki Kurosawa, Yukio Matsumura, Hayahide Yamagishi and Mamoru Komachi. Japanese Predicate Conjugation for Neural Machine Translation. In Proceedings of NAACL 2018 Student Research Workshop, pp.100-105. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. June 2, 2018. (poster, paper)
Hiroki Shimanaka, Tomoyuki Kajiwara and Mamoru Komachi. Metric for Automatic Machine Translation Evaluation based on Universal Sentence Representations. In Proceedings of NAACL 2018 Student Research Workshop, pp.106-111. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. June 2, 2018. (poster, paper)
Sirihattasak Sugan, Mamoru Komachi and Hiroshi Ishikawa. Annotation and Classification of Toxicity for Thai Twitter. In Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Text Analytics for Cybersecurity and Online Safety (TA-COS 2018), pp.1-7. Miyazaki, Japan. May 12, 2018. (oral, paper, dataset)
Yuya Sakaizawa and Mamoru Komachi. Construction of a Japanese Word Similarity Dataset. In Proceedings of the 11th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2018), pp.948-951. Miyazaki, Japan. May 9, 2018. (poster, paper, dataset)
Non-refereed conference papers
Yukio Matsumura, Satoru Katsumata, Mamoru Komachi. TMU Japanese--English Neural Machine Translation System using Generative Adversarial Network for WAT 2018. In Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Asian Translation (WAT 2018). Hong Kong. December 3, 2018. (poster)
Longtu Zhang, Yuting Zhao, Mamoru Komachi. TMU Japanese-Chinese Unsupervised NMT System for WAT 2018 Translation Task. Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Asian Translation (WAT 2018). Hong Kong. December 3, 2018. (poster)
Hiroki Shimanaka, Tomoyuki Kajiwara and Mamoru Komachi. RUSE: Regressor Using Sentence Embeddings for Automatic Machine Translation Evaluation. In Proceedings of the Third Conference on Machine Translation. Brussels, Belgium. October 31-November 1, 2018. (poster, accepted)
Masahiro Kaneko, Tomoyuki Kajiwara and Mamoru Komachi. TMU System for SLAM-2018. In Proceedings of The 13th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (BEA 2018): Shared Task on Second Language Acquisition Modeling, pp.365-369. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. June 5, 2018. (poster, paper)
Tomoyuki Kajiwara and Mamoru Komachi. Complex Word Identification Based on Frequency in a Learner Corpus. In Proceedings of The 13th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (BEA 2018): Shared Task on Complex Word Identification, pp.195-199. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. June 5, 2018. (poster, paper)
Non-refereed papers
Tomonori Kodaira and Mamoru Komachi. The Rule of Three: Abstractive Text Summarization in Three Bullet Points. In arXiv e-prints, 1809.10867 (9 pages). September 2018. (paper)
Longtu Zhang and Mamoru Komachi. Neural Machine Translation of Logographic Language Using Sub-character Level Information. In arXiv e-prints, 1809.02694 (9 pages). September 2018. (paper)
Satoru Katsumata, Yukio Matsumura, Hayahide Yamagishi and Mamoru Komachi. Graph-based Filtering of Out-of-Vocabulary Words for Encoder-Decoder Model. In arXiv e-prints, 1805.11189 (8 pages). May 2018. (paper)
Michiki Kurosawa, Yukio Matsumura, Hayahide Yamagishi and Mamoru Komachi. Japanese Predicate Conjugation for Neural Machine Translation. In arXiv e-prints, 1805.10047 (6 pages). May 2018. (paper)
Hiroki Shimanaka, Tomoyuki Kajiwara and Mamoru Komachi. Metric for Automatic Machine Translation Evaluation based on Universal Sentence Representations. In arXiv e-prints, 1805.07469 (6 pages). May 2018. (paper)
Tomoya Ogata, Shin Kanouchi, Mamoru Komachi, Tomoya Takatani (Toyota Motor Corporation). OUTPUT SENTENCE GENERATION APPARATUS, OUTPUT SENTENCE GENERATION METHOD, AND OUTPUT SENTENCE GENERATION PROGRAM. EP18155516.0 - 1221.
Journal papers
Tomoyuki Kajiwara, Danushka Bollegala (University of Liverpool), Yuichi Yoshida (NII), Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi (NII). An Iterative Approach for the Global Estimation of Sentence Similarity. PLoS ONE 12(9): e0180885. September 12, 2017.
Refereed conference papers
Kento Shioda, Mamoru Komachi, Rue Ikeya (Research Organization of Information and Systems) and Daichi Mochihashi (Institute of Statistical Mathematics). Suggesting Sentences for ESL using Kernel Embeddings. In Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on NLP Techniques for Educational Applications (NLPTEA 2017), pp.64-68. Taipei, Taiwan. December 1, 2017. (poster, paper)
Masahiro Kaneko, Yuya Sakaizawa, Mamoru Komachi. Grammatical Error Detection Using Error- and Grammaticality-Specific Word Embeddings. In Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP 2017), pp.40-48. Taipei, Taiwan. November 28, 2017. (oral, paper, demo)
Tomoyuki Kajiwara, Mamoru Komachi, Daichi Mochihashi (Institute of Statistical Mathematics). MIPA: Mutual Information Based Paraphrase Acquisition via Bilingual Pivoting. In Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP 2017), pp.80-89. Taipei, Taiwan. November 28, 2017. (oral, paper)
Hayahide Yamagishi, Shin Kanouchi, Takayuki Sato, Mamoru Komachi. Improving Japanese-to-English Neural Machine Translation by Voice Prediction. In Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP 2017). Taipei, Taiwan. November 28, 2017. (poster, paper)
Tomoyuki Kajiwara and Atsushi Fujita (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology). Semantic Features based on Word Alignments for Estimating Quality of Text Simplification. In Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP 2017), pp.277-282. Taipei, Taiwan. November 28, 2017. (poster, short paper)
Yuuki Sekizawa, Tomoyuki Kajiwara and Mamoru Komachi. Improving Japanese-English Neural Machine Translation by Paraphrasing the Target Language. In Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Asian Translation, pp.64-69. Taipei, Taiwan. November 27, 2017. (oral, paper)
Aizhan Imankulova, Takayuki Sato and Mamoru Komachi. Improving Low-Resource Neural Machine Translation with Filtered Pseudo-Parallel Corpus. In Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Asian Translation, pp.70-78. Taipei, Taiwan. November 27, 2017. (oral, paper)
Yui Suzuki, Tomoyuki Kajiwara and Mamoru Komachi. Building a Non-Trivial Paraphrase Corpus using Multiple Machine Translation Systems. In Proceedings of the ACL 2017 Student Research Workshop, pp.36-42. Vancouver, Canada. July 31, 2017. (poster, paper)
Yui Suzuki and Mamoru Komachi. An Annotation Framework for Language Learning Using Natural Language Processing Tools: Its Design and An Experimental Study. In The Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium (CALICO) Conference 2017. May 18, 2017. (poster)
Non-refereed conference papers
Non-refereed papers
Yoshiaki Kitagawa and Mamoru Komachi. Long-Short Term Memory for Japanese Word Segmentation. In arXiv e-prints, 1709.08011 (10 pages). September 2017. (paper)
Yukio Matsumura, Takayuki Sato and Mamoru Komachi. English-Japanese Neural Machine Translation with Encoder-Decoder-Reconstructor. In arXiv e-prints, 1706.08198 (8 pages). June 2017. (paper)
Ryosuke Miyazaki and Mamoru Komachi. Japanese Sentiment Classification using a Tree-Structured Long Short-Term Memory with Attention. In arXiv e-prints, 1704.00924 (6 pages). April 2017. (paper, demo)
Junki Matsuo, Mamoru Komachi and Katsuhito Sudoh. Word-Alignment-Based Segment-Level Machine Translation Evaluation using Word Embeddings. In arXiv e-prints, 1704.00380 (5 pages). April 2017. (paper)
Yuya Sakaizawa and Mamoru Komachi. Construction of a Japanese Word Similarity Dataset. In arXiv e-prints, 1703.05916 (5 pages). March 2017. (paper)
Ai Hirata and Mamoru Komachi. Sparse Named Entity Classification using Factorization Machines. In arXiv e-prints, 1703.04879 (4+1 pages). March 2017. (paper)
Book chapters
Ryu Iida, Mamoru Komachi, Naoya Inoue, Kentaro Inui and Yuji Matsumoto. NAIST Text Corpus: Annotating Predicate-Argument and Coreference Relations in Japanese. Handbook of Linguistic Annotation, pp.1177-1196. Springer. 17 June 2017.
Refereed conference papers
Tomoyuki Kajiwara and Mamoru Komachi. Building a Monolingual Parallel Corpus for Text Simplification Using Sentence Similarity Based on Alignment between Word Embeddings. In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2016), pp.1247-1258. Osaka, Japan, December 2016. (poster, paper, data)
Yasunobu Asakura, Masatsugu Hangyo (Weathernews) and Mamoru Komachi. Disaster Analysis using User-Generated Weather Report. In Proceedings of The 2nd Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text, pp.83-91. Osaka, Japan, December 2016. (oral, paper)
Takayuki Sato, Jun Harashima (Cookpad) and Mamoru Komachi. Japanese-English Machine Translation of Recipe Texts. In Proceedings of The 3rd Workshop on Asian Translation (WAT): Research papers, pp.58-67. Osaka, Japan, December 2016. (oral, paper, code, demo)
Shin Kanouchi, Katsuhito Sudoh (NTT) and Mamoru Komachi. Neural Reordering Model Considering Phrase Translation and Word Alignment for Phrase-based Translation. In Proceedings of The 3rd Workshop on Asian Translation (WAT): Research papers, pp.94-103. Osaka, Japan, December 2016. (poster, paper, code)
Tomonori Kodaira, Tomoyuki Kajiwara and Mamoru Komachi. Controlled and Balanced Dataset for Japanese Lexical Simplification. In Proceedings of the ACL 2016 Student Research Workshop, pp.1-7. Berlin, Germany, August 2016. (poster, paper, data)
Ryuichi Tachibana and Mamoru Komachi. Extraction of English Spelling Errors using a Word Typing Game. In Proceedings of The 10th Edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC), pp.385-390. Portorož, Slovenia, May 2016. (poster,paper, data)
Non-refereed conference papers
Hayahide Yamagishi, Shin Kanouchi, Takayuki Sato and Mamoru Komachi. Controlling the Voice of a Sentence in Japanese-to-English Neural Machine Translation. In Proceedings of The 3rd Workshop on Asian Translation (WAT): System description papers, pp.203-210. Osaka, Japan, December 2016. (poster, paper)
Zhang, Longtu. Short-long / Long-short Preferences in English/Japanese Processing Revisited. Young Researchers Symposium on Natural Language Processing. Osaka, Japan, December 2016. (poster)
Refereed conference papers
Peinan Zhang and Mamoru Komachi. Japanese Sentiment Classification with Stacked Denoising Auto-Encoder using Distributed Word Representation. In Proceedings of The 29th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC 29), pp.150-159. Shangai, Chiana, October 2015. (oral, paper, demo)
Yoshiaki Kitagawa, Mamoru Komachi, Eiji ARAMAKI (Kyoto University), Naoaki Okazaki (Tohoku University) and Hiroshi Ishikawa. Disease Event Detection based on Deep Modality Analysis. In Proceedings of the ACL-IJCNLP 2015 Student Research Workshop, pp.28-34. Beijing, China, July 2015. (oral/poster, paper)
Tomoyuki Kajiwara and Kazuhide Yamamoto (Nagaoka University of Technology). Evaluation Dataset and System for Japanese Lexical Simplification. In Proceedings of the ACL-IJCNLP 2015 Student Research Workshop, pp.35-40. Beijing, China, July 2015. *This work was done while the first author was affiliated with Nagaoka University of Technology. (oral/poster, paper)
Shin Kanouchi, Mamoru Komachi, Naoaki Okazaki (Tohoku University), Eiji ARAMAKI (Kyoto University) and Hiroshi Ishikawa. Who caught a cold? - Identifying the subject of a symptom. In Proceedings of the ACL-IJCNLP 2015 (long papers), pp.1660-1670. Beijing, China, July 2015. (oral, paper)
Non-refereed conference papers
Junki Matsuo, Kenichi Ohwada and Mamoru Komachi. Source Phrase Segmentation and Translation for Japanese-English Translation Using Dependency Structure. In Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Asian Translation (WAT2015), pp.99-104. Kyoto, Japan, October 2015. (poster, paper)
Yinchen Zhao, Mamoru Komachi and Hiroshi Ishikawa. Improving Chinese Grammatical Error Correction with Corpus Augmentation and Hierarchical Phrase-based Statistical Machine Translation. In Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Natural Language Processing Techniques for Educational Applications (NLP-TEA-2): Shared Task on Chinese Grammatical Error Diagnosis (CGED), pp.111-116. Beijing, China, July 2015. (poster, paper)
Refereed conference papers
Budi Irmawati (NAIST), Mamoru Komachi and Yuji Matsumoto (NAIST). Towards Construction of an Error-Corrected Corpus of Indonesian Second Language Learners. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Corpus Linguistics (CILC6), May 2014. (poster)
Non-refereed conference papers
Yinchen Zhao, Mamoru Komachi and Hiroshi Ishikawa. Extracting a Chinese Learner Corpus from the Web: Grammatical Error Correction for Learning Chinese as a Foreign Language with Statistical Machine Translation. In Proceedings of the 22nd Conference on Computers in Education, pp.56-61. Nara, Japan, November 2014. (oral, paper)
Kenichi Ohwada, Ryosuke Miyazaki and Mamoru Komachi. Predicate-Argument Structure-based Preordering for Japanese-English Statistical Machine Translation. In Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Asian Translation (WAT), pp.44-49. Tokyo, Japan, October 2014. (poster, paper)
Refereed conference papers
Hiromi Oyama (NAIST), Mamoru Komachi and Yuji Matsumoto (NAIST). Towards Automatic Error Type Classification of Japanese Language Learners’ Writings. In Proceedings of the 27th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information, and Computation (PACLIC 27), pp.163-172. November 2013. (oral, paper)
Keisuke Sakaguchi (NAIST), Yuki Arase (Microsoft Research, Asia) and Mamoru Komachi. Discriminative Approach to Fill-in-the-Blank Quiz Generation for Language Learners. In Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of Association for Computational Linguistics: Short papers, pp.238-242. August 2013. (poster, paper)
Yu Sawai (NAIST), Mamoru Komachi and Yuji Matsumoto (NAIST). A Learner Corpus-based Approach to Verb Suggestion for ESL. In Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of Association for Computational Linguistics: Short papers, pp.708-713. August 2013. (oral, paper)
Non-refereed conference papers
Ippei Yoshimoto (NAIST), Tomoya Kose (NAIST), Kensuke Mitsuzawa (NAIST), Keisuke Sakaguchi (NAIST), Tomoya Mizumoto (NAIST), Yuta Hayashibe (NAIST), Mamoru Komachi, Yuji Matsumoto (NAIST). NAIST at 2013 CoNLL Shared Task Grammatical Error Correction. In Proceedings of the Seventeenth Conference on Computational Natural Language Processing, pp.26-33. August 2013. (oral, paper)
Tomoya Mizumoto (NAIST), Yuta Hayashibe (NAIST), Keisuke Sakaguchi (NAIST), Mamoru Komachi, Yuji Matsumoto (NAIST). NAIST at the NLI 2013 Shared Task. In Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications, pp.134-139. June 2013. (poster, paper)